Monday, April 16, 2007!

My wonderful family!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Coldest Birthday Ever!

Wow! Yesterday I woke up to being 29 years old and seeing whole lot of SNOW coming down! I have never had snow on my birthday and I'm pretty sure that I didn't order it. It was kind of pretty to watch, but I'm glad that it all melted fast and that the sun came out.

As for my birthday, it was fairly uneventful...Aaron and I went out for sushi after he got home from work and then we went to Costco. Needless to say, I blew all of my birthday money on clothes within about the first ten minutes. I didn't think that I would buy so much at Costco, but they had a lot of cute things.
I love my family and I think that they are the best birthday present of all. I could care less what I get for gifts anytime of the year, as long as I have my boys beside me! I really mean that!