Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Celebrity Look-alikes

My cool celebrity look-alike collage from Get one for yourself.

My latest card creation...

I love learning new things and I think that's why I love being an SU demonstrator so much. I am always pushing myself to try new techniques and new ideas so that I can show other people the fun in doing it themselves. This is my way of bringing out my artistic side...the little that I have!
So here is my newest creation...the criss-cross card.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Casey is our little smiler. He has a contageous smile and laugh and that definately shows through in this picture.
Our Levi...he was out with his Uncle Owen flying airplanes and having a great time. I love this picture of him.

My First Attempt At Blogging

Hi there family and friends! I thought that this would be a neat way to keep you all up to date with our lives here in Abbotsford. I will keep you updated from time to time and I hope that you enjoy a glimpse into our lives.