Monday, May 21, 2007

Levi and Casey at Auntie Sharon's House

I love this picture of Levi and Casey. They are such neat little guys and they are great brothers. I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for their lives!

Our day at the Vancouver International Children's Festival

On Saturday my Aunt Cathy had some tickets to the Vancouver International Children's Festival and wanted to take Levi and myself as well as my niece and nephew, Annalise and Bjorn. We had such a fun day!
We left quite early in the morning and we were almost an hour early because the traffic was so good! So we spent some time on Kitsilano Beach finding some shells that the kids could take home. It was quite cool and windy, but they didn't care. The boys just dug around in the sand and had a great time making a big mess of themselves! Annalise was so excited to find the different shells!

On the beach!

Just a small part of Vancouver's skyline.

After we got into the gates, we saw an amazing acrobatic show. It was called Kenya Live and there were 6 Kenyan men who did these incredible stunts. It really was awesome!

The kids got their faces painted. Levi was a dog, Bjorn a tiger and Annalise was a cat! They were so cute. When we got home later on, Levi had a bath and Aaron washed off his dog face and he cried for about an hour afterwards because he wanted to have his dog face forever!

We went into the Music Makers tent where the kids danced and jumped to the music...especially Annalise! She was asked to come up on stage to show the kids how high she could jump! And then she came back up on stage with a couple other kids.

This picture is blurry, but it still makes me laugh. The boys wanted to go up on stage to jump, but when they got there they just stood like rocks watching the guy on stage jump. I laughed so hard watching them!

Overall, we had a wonderful day together and the kids were great! I am definitely going to go again next year!

Monday, April 16, 2007!

My wonderful family!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Coldest Birthday Ever!

Wow! Yesterday I woke up to being 29 years old and seeing whole lot of SNOW coming down! I have never had snow on my birthday and I'm pretty sure that I didn't order it. It was kind of pretty to watch, but I'm glad that it all melted fast and that the sun came out.

As for my birthday, it was fairly uneventful...Aaron and I went out for sushi after he got home from work and then we went to Costco. Needless to say, I blew all of my birthday money on clothes within about the first ten minutes. I didn't think that I would buy so much at Costco, but they had a lot of cute things.
I love my family and I think that they are the best birthday present of all. I could care less what I get for gifts anytime of the year, as long as I have my boys beside me! I really mean that!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Celebrity Look-alikes

My cool celebrity look-alike collage from Get one for yourself.

My latest card creation...

I love learning new things and I think that's why I love being an SU demonstrator so much. I am always pushing myself to try new techniques and new ideas so that I can show other people the fun in doing it themselves. This is my way of bringing out my artistic side...the little that I have!
So here is my newest creation...the criss-cross card.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Casey is our little smiler. He has a contageous smile and laugh and that definately shows through in this picture.
Our Levi...he was out with his Uncle Owen flying airplanes and having a great time. I love this picture of him.